Academic Programs of Excellence and Specialist Academies
At Hervey Bay State High School we aim to encourage and enrich our students, both in and out of the classroom. We are proud to offer a wide range of excellence programs, encouraging students to pursue excellence in many endeavours. These include:
Academic Programs of Excellence
Specialist Academies
Entry in each of these programs is selective, with acceptance being on merit. Please see below for further information.
Year 7 2026 Applications (Merit Entry)
- Applications for Year 7 2026 closed on Friday 6 June.
- Please use the available link to be added to the waiting list.
- Pending availability, confirmation of acceptance will be communicated as soon as possible. However, students may not be made aware of acceptance into a program until they officially start school in 2026.
General Information
- Applications for entry to our Academies are subject to the entry process. If the application is successful, students will still be required to complete an Application for Student Enrolment.
How do I Apply?
- Complete the application in full by accessing the survey link provided.
- Each program has specific requirements that form part of the application.
- Please read all requirements for the program being applied for.