All student absences are carefully monitored at Hervey Bay State High School. A student's continued unexplained non-attendance at school will result in a letter to parents or carers following either a text message or phone call.
- 'Every day counts' - Students MUST maintain 90% attendance or better to ensure they have every opportunity to gain academic success.
- Parents are asked to telephone/email the office on the day of the absence stating the reason and duration of the absence or a note of explanation should be presented on the day your student returns to school. Medical Certificates (originals) should be provided for periods of prolonged absences and/or when students miss assessment.
In the case of a late arrival, a note of explanation is required, and must be presented to the office upon arrival at school. The arrival time will be documented and a slip provided to the student to enter the classroom. Similarly, a phone call to the Office staff could be made.
Contact Details:
Main Office (8.00am - 3.30pm) - 07 4194 3777
Absentee Message Bank (24 Hours) - 07 4194 3760
Absentee Email -